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Notice on Issuance of Regulations on Language Training and Teaching Management for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

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Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College Document


LVTC Zi [2021] No. 87


Notice on Issuance of Regulations on Language Training and Teaching Management for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College


All departments:

In order to implement the opening-up policy of national education, maintain the normal teaching order of the college, improve the quality of language training for foreign students, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and cultivate them to understand the Chinese language and culture, and in accordance with Regulations of Students’ Status Management of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (Revised Version) (LVTC JZ [2021] No.21), the Regulations on Language Training and Teaching Management for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College is hereby formulated, which is hereby printed and distributed to you. Please abide hereby earnestly.


Regulations on Language Training and Teaching Management for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (seal)

September 26, 2021





Administration Office of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College

Printed and issued on September 26, 2021



Regulations on Language Training and Teaching Management for International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College


Chapter IGeneral Provisions

Article 1In order to implement the opening-up policy of national education, maintain the normal teaching order of the college, improve the quality of language training for foreign students, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and cultivate them to understand the Chinese language and culture, and in accordance with Regulations of Students’ Status Management of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College (Revised Version) (LVTC JZ [2021] No.21), this Regulations are hereby formulated.

Chapter IIAdmission and Registration

Article 2Every new student should register at Institute of International Education one week before a new term, who should provide his/her Admission Notice, Visa Application Form for Foreign Students to Study in China (JW201 form or JW202 form) and health certificate. Any student who cannot register on time, should inform the Institute of International Education in advance for permission. Any delay on registration should not exceed one month. Without any formal notification beforehand, students who do not register on time will be disqualified for admission.

Article 3Self-support foreign students should pay all kinds of fees in accordance with the regulations upon the registration. The date of payment should not be no later than two weeks after a new term. Students should register at Institute of International Education with the payment documents. Students who are unable to pay tuition fees temporarily due to financial difficulties may apply for deferment of payment and go through relevant procedures after being approved. Students who do not pay tuition and fees on time, and do not apply for deferment of payment, will not be entitled for registration. Students who do not register, shall be deemed as invalid in participating in the teaching activities.

Chapter IIIAttendance

Article 4Students shall conscientiously abide by learning discipline and be punctual for class. Lateness, leaving class early and truancy are not permitted. Students shall request for sick leave or personal leave.

Article 5Students who take one day (inclusive)’s sick leave without hospital certificate, may apply to the counselor. Those who ask for more than one day’s sick leave should submit the hospital diagnosis certificate or sick note, and apply for excused absence in advance according to Leave Policy of International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College. Three times lateness will be calculated as one-time truancy.

Article 6Students who take one day (inclusive) off for private affairs, may apply to the counselor. Those who ask for more than one day’s leave should submit the written application, and apply for excused absence in advance according to Leave Policy of International Students of Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College.

Article 7Unexcused absences are considered as acts of truancy. Students who play truant with a number of classes within a semester will receive corresponding punishment:

(I)Those who cut class up to 20 - 29 class hours are given warning;

(II)Those who cut class up to 30 - 39 class hours are given serious warning;

(II)Those who cut class up to 40 - 49 class hours are given punishment of demerit recording;

(IV)Those who cut class up to 50 - 59 class hours are put on probation;

(V)Those who cut class up to 60 class hours or more are put on probation or even expelled from college.

Article 8Students are not allowed to request the vacation leave during the study period except for Chinese legal holidays, summer and winter holidays arranged by the college. Students who go out on weekends are not allowed to interfere with their normal study. Trip application form is required to be filled out if they are leaving Liuzhou.

Chapter IVSuspension, Reinstatement and Withdrawal

Article 9Students who are unable to attend for more than four weeks due to illness or private affairs can apply to the Institute of International Education for suspension. Suspension shall not exceed one year after approval.

Article 10After the break in the study period expires, the procedure of resuming studies should be done with a medical certificate from a regular hospital, which shall be submitted to Institute of International Education one month in advance. They can resume their studies after college approval. The student will undergo another medical examination at a designated hospital in China, and they can resume their studies after passing the medical examination. Self-support students should make up the difference when they resume their studies.

Article 11The government-funded international students can resume their studies after deferment, they should apply to the Institute of International Education in advance. The Institute of International Education will report to the competent authorities. Only after the approval, they can contact the college for deferment.

Article 12Under the following conditions, students should drop out of college:

(I)Anyone violating Chinese laws and regulations causing serious consequences;

(II)Anyone seriously interfering and disturbing the normal teaching environment and social public order;

(II)Anyone who have serious illness or accidental disability and have been diagnosed as difficult to continue as a learner by the hospital designated by the college;

(IV)Students who have been absent for more than 60 class hours in all courses;

Chapter VExamination and Evaluation

Article 13The examination method shall be determined by the teacher according to the course objectives and requirements, and the results shall be based on the hundred-mark system or grading system.

Article 14International students who do not take the test without any reason will be treated as "absence", and will be given a zero score and not allowed to make up the test. Those who fail the test may take a make-up examination and the word "make-up examination" shall be indicated on the report card.

Article 15International students who are unable to take the test due to illness or other reasons (except for sudden accidents or diseases) should apply to the counselor for deferment of the test, which shall be approved by the Institute of International Education. The results shall be recorded in accordance with the facts.

Article 16International students must strictly abide by the examination discipline and shall not cheat in any way. Once found, they shall be disqualified and will be given a zero score. No make-up examination is allowed and they will be treated as  violations of discipline.

Chapter VIReport Card, Certificate of Studies and Certificate of Completion of Studies

Article 17The scores of each semester will be recorded in the college's score management system. If necessary, international students can apply to the Institute of International Education for report card of that semester.

Article 18Self-support international students who take the exams according to regulations and pass the exams will be issued the Certificate of Completion of Studies by the college. Those who fail to pass the exam, shall not obtain the Certificate of Completion of Studies.

Article 19Government-funded international students must pass all courses before they can be issued the Certificate of Completion of Studies. In addition, government-funded international students shall be required to obtain Certificate of HSK Level IV (inclusive) before entering the academic study.

Article 20For those who fail to complete the required courses, fail in their grades and drop out midway, only Certificate of Studies is issued, proving the courses and the duration of the courses.

Chapter VIISupplementary Provisions

Article 21This Regulations apply to international students studying Chinese in the college and will come into effect from September 2021.

Article 22In case of any conflict between this Regulations and the relevant management regulations issued by the superior agency, the regulations issued by the superior agency shall prevail.